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By AssaultCow in Aww       
Aug 09, 2016
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By varun19r in Funny       
Aug 09, 2016
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By varun19r in Funny       
Aug 09, 2016
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10 items
By grh9674 in Funny       
Aug 08, 2016
+ 0
  1. No, it is not Luke Skywalker

  2. At least she isn`t doing her hair, talking on the phone and yelling at him.

  3. No inheritance for this one.

  4. We can discuss religion later---hahahahahahahahaha

  5. Relax, they are just mammary glands.

  6. Future physicist.

  7. just wait until he finds out how he got in there.

  8. just wait until he gets older and sees these pictures.

15 items
By grh9674 in Informative       
Aug 08, 2016
+ 0
  1. Probably the number one conspiracy theory is the picture of the flag waving on the moon when there is no atmosphere. There is a simple explanation: it was due to inertia of wiggling the flag post into the lunar surface and because the horizontal rod that runs along the top of the flag got stuck part way out. This meant that the flag didn't "unfurl" fully and is hanging like a curtain rather than being stretched flat as was the original intention. The rod was used because NASA knew that, with no atmosphere and hence no wind, a flag would just hang down.

  2. A 4 minute video about the flags on the moon.

  3. The Apollo spacecraft passed through the inner belt in a matter of minutes and the outer belt in about 1 1⁄2 hours. The astronauts were shielded from the ionizing radiation by the aluminum hulls of the spacecraft. The inner belt is the more dangerous one, containing energetic protons.

  4. A short video with more information about the astronauts and the Van Allen radiation belts

  5. The lunar land modules did scatter a lot of dust, but in the landing itself, the power was decreased for many technical reasons and because of the light gravity that is with the moon.

  6. About a 10 minute video to explain and even visualize the landing.

  7. The light from the sun hitting the surface of the moon is too bright for any camera to capture something in the distance -- it would wash out any light coming from distant stars in the sky. Just as it is harder to see stars from a city because of the lights than it is to them from out of the city. All the lunar missions were done during the daylight, which lasts 29 Earth days.

  8. The Lunar Modules used Aerozine 50 (fuel) and dinitrogen tetroxide (oxidizer) propellants, chosen for simplicity and reliability; they ignite hypergolically – upon contact – without the need for a spark. These propellants produce a nearly transparent exhaust.

  9. Astronauts Neil A.Armstrong (Commander for Apollo 11), Michael Collins (Command Module Pilot), Edwin E. "Buzz" Aldrin (Lunar Module Pilot).

  10. ready for take off. The camera was on the lunar rover and controlled from earth.

  11. There are satellites that orbit the moon and since the debris is too small to see from a telescope, the satellite images show evidence of the lunar landing and man`s foot prints on the lunar surface.

  12. A great example of how to reply to a person that thinks the moon landing and other scientific advancements from NASA are fake.

  13. A video that puts the nail in the coffin for the conspiracy theory that NASA faked the man moon landings

  14. They still will not accept that we landed on the moon-----they will say it is a film made in Hollywood.

7 items
By AssaultCow in Tech       
Aug 08, 2016
+ 0